Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Black History Lane: This Day in Black History

This is a new section of my blog I'm starting entitled "Black History Lane". Here I will post significant events that happened in black history on said day. Although this is mainly an entertainment blog, I also want you to be able to come here and gain some type of knowledge of our history. There are so many "Black" entertainment blogs out, but I haven't seen one yet that posts anything other than gossip, or who was where and wore what. I feel as if you can mix both. Especially if a person has heavy traffic to their blog. Why not try and educate young black people a little and not just give them an outlet to fill their heads with a bunch of nonsense? With that being said I am VERY BIAS about what I post. I'm not going to post a bunch of foolishness. Ok moving along.


1865- Mississippi passed the so-called "Black Codes" that barred blacks from jury service, testifying against whites in trials, bearing arms and attending white schools.

1866- Rust College in Mississippi was founded.

1880- Southern University was established.

1892- The first Black football game college football game was played between Biddle University and Livingstone College.

1897- J.L Love patents the pencil sharpener.

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