Monday, November 22, 2010

Gossip Zone: Chris Brown & Lady Gaga snubbed of their AMA's?v

Check this out. Allegedy Chris Brown was supposed to win the Favorite Soul/R&B Male Artist Award at last night's American Music Awards and NOT Usher. It has been reported that a snitch oops I mean insider that worked for Neon Limelight (a company associated with the AMA's) tweeted shortly after the award was given to Usher that and I quote "Teleprompter backstage had Chris' name on it!! and "it even said he couldn't be there to accept!" If this is true the reason isn't exactly clear why the change was made but of course we all speculate it has something to do with the Rihanna situation. Some people just don't get over stuff.

Now to Lady Gaga. She was the alleged "winner" of the Artist of the Year Award but she to was snubbed and the award was given to Justin Beiber (who has awful hair but that's another story). Gaga's manager allegedly sent a message to a friend stating " They said we won in votes. They gave it to Justin cause he was there." Again, if this is true then this is beyond shady. I personally believe that the fans should be able to vote for ALL awards cause we are the ones that make the artists careers. No fan base = no career, but hey that's just my opinion.
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1 comment:

  1. Chris ain't gon neva live that down but at least they gave it 2 Usher, somebody who was just as deserving of the award. I agree the fans should vote cuz them ppl who make the decisions don't know what they be doin half of 'em probably ain't even listened 2 the artist albums.


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