Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Court Finds Fantasia's Ex-Boyfriend Antwaun Cook WAS Separated From Wife During Their Relationship

 According to Radar Online.com , a  judge ruled in favor of Antwaun Cook in his divorce proceeding against ex-wife Paula. The court found the pair’s separation date was September 14, 2009 -- not June, 2010, as Paula had claimed. Paula had claimed Fantasia knew Antwaun was married and went ahead with their relationship anyway – thus the court hearings to uncover the truth. There’s no word yet on what effect the court decision will have on Paula’s plan to sue the singer under North Carolina’s unique Alienation of Affection law.

This man's wife needs to cut it out. Leave this poor child Fantasia alone. She done already almost made the girl kill hersell. She knows good and well she was separated from her husband. Fantasia still should NOT have messed with him. You don't start a new relationship until you finish an old one. Separated or not he was still married.

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