Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Kanye West Defends His Britney Spears Tweet and Goes IN on The Media

A couple of days ago Kanye took his to his twitter to poke a little innocent fun at Britney Spears. Kanye tweeted:
“Yo Britney, I'm really happy for you and I'mma let you be #1, but me and Jay-Z's single is one of the best songs of all time! LOL. On a serious note I'm truly happy for @AvrilLavigne and @BritneySpears…… No hate in 2011! I thought LOL signified a joke… I didn't get the 2011 LOL doesn't signify a joke anymore memo… LOL or something else I guess”
 The media immediately lashed out at Kanye saying he was starting a twitter war with Britney Spears. When Kanye got wind of the remarks made by the media he took to his twitter account AGAIN and lashed out over the course of 12 tweets. Below are on the tweets combined so it will actually make sense.
"Just saw that MSNBC said I tried to start a twitter war with Brittany. This sh*t takes the air out my lungs sometimes from blogs to news reports… enough already!!! All I do is focus on my work. There's a new lie everyday… a new media spin… I never got a watch with my face on it!!! A company tried to give that to me 9 yrs ago! I'm one of the most considerate people in real life. Maybe over considerate. Over caring. Overly real.

There is no astronaut training for celebrity… even though this whole life is so outer space! I was actually surprised that a record as raw as H*A*M could make it to #2 on Itunes. How can u “let” someone be number one??!! That was the whole joke!!! I know intelligent people know this so bear with me. When I said the comment about Brittney I was giving her props for being #1 not dissing her at all! But stop making it seem that my aim is to hurt or down people! That's just not my style!"
Kanye will forever be outspoken. I'm with Kanye as long as he makes sense and doesn't disrespect anyone. It annoys me when people applaud him when he acts just a plain outright ignant fool. Yes I did say ignant. This time he has a right to lash out because it was clear he was saying his remark about Britney in a joking manner.

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