Monday, January 10, 2011

Rumor Control: Is Khloe Kardashian Pregnant?

Rumor has it that a sources told the New York Post that Khloe "has been hiding a tell-tale baby bump behind flowing dresses and oversized handbags."

Another source said that Khloe and Lamar "will be followed by cameras through her pregnancy as they have their first child," on their new reality show.

Idk if this child is really pregnant or not. She has been pregnant about 15 times since they have been together let the press tell it.

SN: She needs to get rid of that clown make-up

1 comment:

  1. I like these 2 & partly just cuz Lamar is a Laker. lol. But I hope she is pregnant cuz they been wantin a baby 4 awhile now & I'm tired of hearin about it.


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