Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Basketball Wives Star Jennifer Williams Says She's Finally Ready To File For Divorce

 The only real basketball "wife" Jennifer Williams tells Life & Style she's ready to throw in the towel completely. If you've watched Basketball Wives this season or even last season, then you've seen first hand the train wreck that is Jennifer and her Retired NBA baller husband Eric's relationship.

"I plan on filing for divorce in the next couple of weeks. It's a new year and I just want to put this behind me. "He doesn't know exactly when I'm going to do it. He's just waiting for me to pull the trigger."-Jennifer Williams
On why she stuck it out so long:
I really wanted it to work and believed he would change. This whole lifestyle is dysfunctional; it's not a typical marriage. The bad just started to outweigh the good," says Jennifer. "I wasn't distraught about it, but I really felt bad for the child."

On post divorce plans:

I just want to live comfortably and move on, get it over with," she said. "I definitely will not put up with this type of behavior ever again!"

Pick up the latest issue of Life & Style Magazine for the full interview.

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