Sunday, May 29, 2011

{Twitter Beef} Amber Rose Lashes Out At Vibe Magazine: "F*ck Vibe Magazine"

Model Amber Rose, who covers Vibe Magazine's latest issue, apparently isn't too happy with the interview Vibe published about her. Earlier this week Vibe released a few excerpts from her interview where she talked about her ex Kanye West and briefly dating NFL star Reggie Bush. Amber took to her twitter account to lash out about what was published.

Amber tweeted:
"Just read "my" interview in @VibeMagazine half of the story was untrue & ridiculous! F**k that cover F**k @VibeMagazine yall wrote a bunch of negative bullsh*t that I never said or did. Yall don't give a f*ck that I have a Mom & Family that's gonna read that fake a** sh*t I gave yall a truthful interview & Yall f**ked me."

"I'm so sick of keeping my mouth shut I didn't ask for this life It was handed to me I was nothing but nice to everyone I spoke to @ Vibe"

Interviews are reportedly recorded so it can easily be straightened out. But then again why would she lash out like this if it wasn't true that they f*cked her? I'm pretty sure she knows the interviews are recorded. She doesn't strike me as the type that would make that big of an a** out of herself. All I know is Amber says they f*cked her in the interview but baby girl they f*cked you on that cover too got you lookin' like powder.

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