Monday, May 16, 2011

Cali Swag District Member Killed In Drive-By Shooting

22 year old Montae Talbert, better known as M-Bone a rapper from the group Cali Swag District (popular for their hit "Teach Me How To Dougie"), was killed late last night in a drive-by shooting. Radar Online reports that Sunday night around 10:30pm while M-Bone was sitting in his car in front of a liquor store on 416 N LaBrea Bouevard in Inglewood, a car approached and fired shots into is car, hitting him in the head.

Although police can't say much, it's been reported that a witness told them:
"It was a red Mustang. It pulled-up fired two shots into his car and it drove off before turning back around to pass it again. This wasn’t for drugs or a robbery.  The guy who was shot had family who live in Inglewood. I don’t want to talk with the police or nobody else though these things happen on the streets. It’s sad because he was trying to do something with his life,  but somebody must have had a beef with him.”

This is such a sad situation. When will all this killing madness stop?

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