Monday, February 21, 2011

Tia Mowry-Hardrict Covers Regard Magazine

The beautiful Tia Mowry-Hardrict, star of BET's The Game, covers the latest issue of Regard Magazine. In the issue she talks about her acting career, going to college & more.

Check out a few excerpts and photos below.

On not falling into the typical child star downward spiral & continuing to thrive in the industry:

I think I was able to thrive mainly because my parents focused on me living a normal life. I went to college at Pepperdine University, and traveled the world. I stayed out of trouble. I never snuck into parties when I was under age, etc. My focus was on my career, and my focus is still on my career. I also have amazing friends that have kept me grounded. The friends that I have are not "yes" friends. I have known them before I was "famous" and if I was to ever get out of line, they would put me back in line. I have friends and family who are honest with me and they could care less about Hollywood.
On deciding to go to college:

My mother always told me when I was growing up, that the key to success is an education. College taught me a lot about myself. Not only is it a place you should go to and figure out what you want to pursue in life, it is also a place to grow as an adult. It is a great practicing ground for discipline. You have deadlines, homework, speeches, and volunteer work to complete. These tactics build character. At least that is what it did for me, and I am so happy I finished and graduated. 

Read more at Regard Mag

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