Monday, June 6, 2011

Royce Reed On Her Basketball Wives Cast Mates: " I Feel As If I Hold More Relevance Than Most Of Them"

As we are now into the 3rd season of VH1's Basketball Wives, it's safe to say that cast member Royce Reed is probably the most hated "wife", has been since day one, and probably will always be. Royce has taken a lot of flack from her cast members and critics claiming that she has no real relevance to the NBA. Royce was a dancer for the Miami Heat and the Orlando Magic and also has a child with the Orlando Magic's star center Dwight Howard.

In an exclusive chat with Black Sports Online, Royce addresses the claims that she isn't "relevant". Peep what she had to say below.

I find it funny when some of my cast members question my relevance to the NBA. I laugh because I feel as if I hold more relevance than most of them due to the fact I actually held a job for 3 seasons, received a paycheck, and was constantly in the community as an ambassador for both teams I was a part of.
I was in a relationship also but that’s not what defines me so I’m actually happy that I didn’t have to tell my story pertaining to my ex. I was able to showcase who Royce is as a person, not someones ex.
I like holding my own without having to piggy back or ride on someone else coat-tails. Also, I’m still active in my career. I have a book out now called College Girls (you can purchase at that is part one of a 5 book series and I’m about to go on tour for a stage play called Cheaters.
My dance company is doing well and I’m using my college degree to further myself. The show is a stepping stone and also an outlet to show who Royce really is. Like it or not, its me.

I think Royce definitely has a point and to me she is the realest one of the bunch. I don't like how the cast members (especially that new chick Meeka) keep penalizing Royce for being a dancer and being with Dwight Howard. Meeka who is the new wife mentioned numerous times that Royce should've known better than to mess with Dwight since it was against the rules. Meeka also stated that she dislikes dancers because they tend to mess with players that are already taken. Royce's situation isn't like that. Yes she broke the rules BUT she didn't steal Dwight from anyone nor was he a married man. They were just two single people who wanted to be together. Like Royce said, they can't tell you who you can be with.

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