Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rumor Control: LeBron's Girl Slept With Rashard Lewis?

Here we go again. Last year LeBron's poor performance against the Celtics was rumored to be attributed to the fact that fellow teammate Delonte West had slept with LeBron's mother. There has never been any evidence presented that proves that the situation is nothing more than a rumor.

Now this year the rumors have started again. They are leaving LeBron's mother alone, and decide to go after his girlfriend Savannah instead. The rumor is that Savannah allegedly slept with Washington Wizard's forward Rashard Lewis when he was visiting South Beach.

 Below is the info that's being passed around from about the alleged fling posted by Hello Beautiful:
I have a very reliable source who clubs and drinks with all of the athletes that come through Orlando. He was all over the Tiger Woods issue and knew what all happened with Tiger prior to it being released publicly. My buddy has a place in Orlando, Lake Nona to be exact, and he lives among some athletes that live there in Orlando. Needless to say he golfs, drinks, and parties with some of the best people in central Florida. So when word got to him while at the bar last night, he called me. Word got out while drinking with friends, that Rashard Lewis slept with Lebrons girl while visiting South Beach.

It doesn't help the rumors any that ESPN's Stephen A. Smith said on his radio show that LeBron's poor play was because of personal issues. His statement could be what sparked this ridiculous rumor. Mind you Rashard Lewis is engaged. Could it be that the man just had a bad game? People and these rumors smh.

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